Fine Art Masterpiece NFTs Launched by Particle with Avalanche Blockchain

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fine art masterpiece nft

avalanche fine art masterpiece nft

Particle acquires art masterpieces and “Particalizes” them into individual unique NFTs. It gives individuals the opportunity to own a piece of an iconic painting – without the price tag attached to owning great art. It also democratizes ownership and gives users the chance to participate in the building of one of the world’s best art collections. Buyers will have a certificate and be able to sell their particle on secondary markets.

Powered by the Avalanche blockchain, and founded by a team of leading figures and innovators in art, technology, and finance, Particle is building a platform that enables anyone to own some of the world’s greatest masterpieces by collectively participating in the global art market.

Particle acquired an iconic masterpiece at auction earlier this year and plans to transfer ownership to a non-profit and subsequently “Particalize” the work by splitting it into 10,000 unique NFTs (“Particles”). The Particle Foundation — a non-profit museum — will maintain, display, and tour the collection on behalf of the community.

Founders, Loïc Gouzer, Shingo Lavine, Adam Lavine, Philip Eytan, and Oscar Salazar, have raised $15 million in seed funding from Voyager, Atrum and others who are passionate about the art and NFT markets, and will unveil Particle’s first acquisition in November 2021. The work is the first to be included in the Particle collection, and the founders have plans to engage with the community and add additional works to the collection in 2022.

“Previously, owning great art has been out of reach for almost everyone. We’re changing the narrative of ownership through NFTs and blockchain technology, and enabling a new collection experience through democratizing ownership of the world’s greatest masterpieces.” said Loïc Gouzer, Particle co-founder. “We’re going to build one of the world’s best collections and not compromise on quality. Our mission is to enable anyone to own and engage with the art.”

Particle divides each piece of art into 10,000 unique NFTs or “Particles,” each with its own title deed stored on the Blockchain. Particles are randomly assigned during the primary drop. Once a buyer purchases a Particle, they receive a digital certificate, or collector’s card, which represents its owner’s specific ownership in the painting. Purchasers then have the right to buy and sell their particle on secondary markets, trade or transfer them to anyone they wish. They’ll have the opportunity to see the painting whenever and wherever it’s displayed, and the right to call the painting partly theirs.

Up until now, fine art was only available to the select few. With blockchain and NFT technology, and by leveraging the expertise of Particle’s founders, art ownership can become a reality for a greater number of people.

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